Google Adwords

Its an Online advertising service by GOOGLE for Business wanting to display their ads on Google and its advertising Network. Adwords Program enables businesses to set a budget For advertising and only pay when people click the Ads. And also you can track whether people Clicked your ads. The ad service is largely Focused on keywords.

Search Network Campaign –
When you advertise on the Search Network, Your ad can show next to search results When someone searches with terms related To one of your keywords. The search Network is part of the Google Network Our name for all the webpages and apps Where adwords ads can appear.

Display Network Campaign – 
Ads which are Matched to websites or mobile apps that Include content that’s related to your business r to your customers interest. You can set up Targeting  to match your ads to the most Relevant Display Network sites based on their Topics , interested audiences, demographics And MORE…. 

CPC or PPC – Cost per click or pay per click is an Internet Advertising model used to direct  traffic To websites, in which an advertiser pays A Publisher ( a website owner or a network of Websites ) when the Ad is clicked. 

Types of CPC or PPC –
a)Maximise Clicks – In this setting , advertisers Focus on driving click traffic
but give Adwords Control over Individual CPC bids. Set a daily budget And 
adwords automatically adjust your BIDS with The goal of getting the most 
clicks for the budget. With automatic bidding , Adwords does all the work
To get the most CLICKS.

b) Manual CPC – This is classic setting for having Total control over bids with a focus on driving click traffic. Adwords will take the ad group default bid first, unless a Different bid is manually specified at the keyword level.

c) Enhanced CPC ( ECPC ) – This bidding option is for the Conversion focused advertiser.  Conversion tracking must Be enabled so that based on conversion tracking data. Adwords will automatically increase or decrease CPC bids
To drive most conversions.

Google Adword Basic Terms –
1)Quality Score – Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of
both your keywords and Ppc ads. It is used to determine your cost per click and
Multiplied by your maximum bid to determine your Ad rank in the ad auction process.

2) CTRClickthrough Rate. A ratio showing how often People who see your ad end up clicking it. CTR can be Used to gauge how well your keywords and ads are Performing. CTR is the number of clicks that your ad Receives divided by the number of times your ad is Shown. Clicks / impression = CTR.

3) Impression – An impression is counted each time your Ad is shown on a search result page or other site on The Google Network. Each time your ad appears On Google or the Google Network, its counted as Impression. 

4) Landing Page – The webpage where people end up After they click your ad.

5) Keyword Status – A status for each keyword that Describes whether it can trigger ads to run at the Moment.

6) Keyword Match Type

a)Broad Match – A keyword setting that allows your ad to show when someone 
searches for the keyword Or a variation of it.

b) Phrase Match – A keyword setting that allows your Ad to show only when someone’s search includes the exact phrase of your keyword or closed variations Of exact phrase. 

c) Exact Match – A keyword setting that allows your ad To show only when someone searches for your Keyword or close variants of your keyword.


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